Educational Services in Europe

Educational Agency

Study in Slovakia is for free for foreign nationals

According to the current legislation of the Slovak Republic in higher educational institutions (undergraduate majors - Bachelor`s degrees) can start to study natural person who has passed school leaving examination, received a full general secondary education or a full special secondary education. The condition for studying at the second stage (postgraduate programmes) is to obtain a higher education of the first or second stage. Condition for admission to the third stage of higher education (doctoral studies) is the completion of the second stage of higher education. Faculties independently decide on the question of the entrance examinations.For admission, you must first provide a document on the completion of the relevant level of education. The requirements of faculties and universities for the processing of documents may vary. With the development of cooperation with individual universities and faculties, we will inform you about all necessary information regarding to the requirements of individual documents.

An undergraduate major (known as a bachelor's degree) is usually the first degree at university and normally takes three years to complete if studying full-time

Postgraduate programmes are for students who have already completed an undergraduate degree to a good standard or have enough experience in the relevant field. A master's degree is usually taught like an undergraduate degree and usually takes two years. It is more challenging than a bachelor's and demands considerable independent thought. A doctorate (PhD) is the most demanding academic qualification. It usually involves creating a book-length, publishable piece of original research.

Each Faculty independently decides, whether entrance examinations for study courses specialties will be conducted. At the moment, for most undergraduate courses, you do not need to take entrance exams. However it is necessary to pass entrance exams for some courses like Medicine, Dentistry, IT courses, Law, Psychology. Successful admission to an institution may depend on the results from high school, grammar school. In this case, certificate from high school or grammar school is considered, results of various olympiads and competitions are considered also. Also, it is possible to take an examination on a certain subject, similar to the final examination after the completion of the high school (maturitná skúška). Some faculties conduct entrance examinations for certain undergraduate majors.

Slovak and Ukrainian training systems are very similar. The Bologna system forms the basis of education in higher educational institutions in Ukraine and in Slovakia. In Ukraine credit and modular system was introduced in 2005. Some differences can be found in some universities, because university management has the right to independently modify the learning process. The main goal to complete study is to gain a sufficient number of credits during each semester in order to get permission to move on to the next year of study

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